Saturday, February 6, 2016

External Style sheets


External Style Sheet is a type of CSS.  In External CSS, Style sheet are kept in a separate file with the collection of CLASS's and ID's.  The style sheet file must create with a .css extension. Example: kmcpgs.css, ArignarAnna.css etc.,

Why we need to use External and its purpose?
Purpose of External CSS is to keep all css code in a separate file.  Whenever we develop a Website with multiple web pages in that case Inline CSS & Internal CSS will increase the burden if we need to make a generic change in terms of color or background image etc.  By using External CSS, just we can modify a common file and it will reflect in all the web pages in one GO.  Or else we have to update each and every page it will increase our development time and inefficient way of maintaining a website.

Separate CSS file i.e. styles.css

Created a HTML page and linked the CSS file or path also possible.

Additional Reference

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